Our Mission: Massage the masses of desk bound warriors.

Massage equals happy employees. Reward and rejuvenate employees with on-site massage. Bonus side effects of massage: improved creativity, productivity and morale. Everyone comes to work on massage day!
Bring our massage therapists into your workplace as part of a regular wellness benefit, for special appreciation events, or as an incentive during key busy seasons.

Break up a long conference day, reward attendees at a retreat, or just add some action to your vendor booth. Chair massage is a big draw with big benefits.
Build foot traffic and interest in your vending space and keep your attendees happy and energized.

On-campus chair massage is an investment in the well-being of your faculty and students. A short massage session can increase energy and improve focus for a happier, more productive student or teacher.
Offer massage during midterms, finals, professional development for faculty or wellness events on campus.